Joint Operations
Wafra Joint Operations (WJO)
The Onshore Operations covers an area of approximately 5000 square kilometers located in the Partitioned Zone between State of Kuwait and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The natural resources contained therein are equally shared by both countries. The area is currently operated jointly by Kuwait Gulf Oil Company (KGOC, representing State of Kuwait) and Saudi Arabian Chevron (SAC, representing Kingdom of Saudi Arabia).
The operations are managed by Wafra Joint Operations (WJO). WJO assets are staffed and funded equally by KGOC and SAC to explore, develop and produce oil and gas out of several fields and reservoirs in the area. The first discovery in this area was made in 1954 by drilling and completing the first well in the Wafra Field. Six major fields have been discovered in the area to date; Wafra, South Fuwaris, South Umm-Gudair, Humma,Arq and North Wafra. Producing and potential reservoirs include:
- First Eocene.
- Second Eocene.
- Maastrichtian.
- Hartha (Lower Senonean)
- Ahmadi sand
- Wara Sands.
- 3rd Burgan.
- Ratawi Sands.
- Ratawi Limestone.
- Ratawi Oolite.
- Marrat.
The facilities of Wafra Joint Operations include Light & Heavy Oil production, processing, storage & shipping facilities.
Khafji Joint Operations (KJO)
The offshore Operations covers an area of approximately 7000 square kilometers is in the Partitioned Zone between State of Kuwait and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The natural resources contained therein are equally shared by both countries. The area is currently operated jointly by Kuwait Gulf Oil Company (KGOC representing State of Kuwait) and Aramco Gulf Oil Company, (AGOC, "representing Kingdom of Saudi Arabia).
The operations are managed by Khafji Joint Operations (KJO).
KJO assets are staffed and funded equally by KGOC and AGOC to explore, develop and produce oil and gas out of several fields and reservoirs in the area.
The well was drilled in 1960 by AOC (Arabian Oil Company), known as K-001 (Khafji Field Well #1) in the Khafji Field.
Four major fields have been discovered in the area to date; Khafji, Hout, Dorra and Lulu.
Producing and potential producing horizons include:
- Firsrt Bahrain Sand (B1)
- Second Bahrain Sand (B2)
- Ratawi LimeStone (RL)
- Ahmadi Limestone (AL)
- Mauddud Limestone (BL)
- Wara Sand ( WS)
- Zubair Sand (ZS)